Tuesday 5 February 2008

Wedding Mania

And like my friend Shivani says "the Wedding Mania continues".. i m really amazed at the number of wedding news that i have got in the last few months.. it's inane.. everybody around me just seems to be getting married.. be it school friends, college friends or office mates or just any friend.. :-) just everyone is getting married..

and the best part is that everyone's wedding news just seems to be such a sudden event.. everybody suddenly seems to be deciding over night that dude time to get married and there goes out the Shocking alert on ofcourse now the most advanced way of letting the world know.. Albums on Orkut and Facebook..

Wonderful i say... maybe its finally reaching that age in life where i guess its but natural to hear people getting married but man this has been an overdose.. seriously.. and i dont see an end to it.. lol!


Rithika Kumar said...

guess I'm part of the band wagon u've mentioned!

But whats really interesting to note is theres this common misconception that the youth today are frivolous,shirk commitment and the responsibility that it entails...I c that slowly changing as more and more young people tie the knot faster!

Another nice observation is how the platform for informing the world has evolved,as you mentioned orkut,facebook and other online album sharing sites and social networking communities are lending themselves to breaking news to the world that just a couple of years ago would have been unheard of.Society back then would have thought it insulting to be informed over the internet about a friends/relatives wedding!but today with the dearth of time i guess its become okay...

Tanaya said...

Yeah bout the responsibilty bit i do think that its a factor of your mental state and wanting to be responsible..

Why i also feel that a lot of times our generation is not fit to get into marriage early on because unlike our parents we are really pathetic with home chores most of the time and therefore suddenly when it comes to us we go hay wire.. but i guess like i said its again a factor of being ready and wanting to be responsible and then u manage it well in anycase..

As far as the orkut and facebook way of letting people know is concerned.. i feel that something as important as this in life i would always like to share in person or atleast over the phone.. Not having time is a fuck all reason these days that we give.. we have stopped living lives and become so nuclear.. maybe all the depression and the tention we go through in life will also reduce if we were a little social because in that case we would be able to share more often..and be more lighter instead of living in our own worlds.. The reason why in a lot of ways joint families whatever said and done were helpful because once u get married and have kids and have a career atleast there are enough people u trust taking care of your household and family.. unlike being nuclear where at the end of the day u r for ach other and u depend on some random maid and your kids upbringing or the quality of your home's cleanliness, etc everything suffers because u have no option but to just trust whoever it is..

Some random thought that triggered..