Monday 18 February 2008

Colaba.. Aaaah so delightfull!!!

Colaba is my ultimate love in mumbai..i can go on forever about this place because i have so manyyyyyyy memories attached to the place from my college days.. but then this one is out of sheer love for the place and how it makes me feel so in place and in love with myself..

Over the years colaba has become my second home.. i have spent hours of days in that place.. its one place where i like to be on my own and not with a jing bang..refreshes you.. somehow the place inspires you to look into your soul and find yourself.. it was my hangout when i would be questioning the world.. it still is.. its right in the middle of the big wide mad world but it still feels so much detached from it.. thats one place you dont have to think who you are or why.. cuz everybody's about their own business.. nobody cares.. you can really be yourself.. its such a vibrant collection of people.. its like a mini worldmap in a small locality of mumbai.. :-) oh i so love those reclusive walks on colaba causeway and my hours spent at my favourite bookshop.. SEARCHWORD.. run by this old uncle who has recognised me over the years and gives me books on discount out of sheer sweet kind customer service ways that he has adopted. i love his shop.. its so cosy and welcoming..

Well Colaba is a mall in its own right.. The only literally Regal Cinema hall of the olden times still alive.. keeping fingers crossed.. u never know wen the adlabs and the pvr's will pull it down to0 just the way they pulled down metro and sterling.. its most days out of all that i hate development and advancement.. its screwed a lot of the best things about this world and places and sterling was definitely one of the most upsetting landmarks that was brought down.. Do people even have a choice in all of this.. well i guess no.. its like on tv u r served bad to worse programmes and then trp's claim that the saas bahu serials run a lot.. well what choice does the public have in anycase? to chose between bad or worse right?

Anyways to come back to Colaba.. its a place beautiful with its colonial architectures.. and the road side market on causeway where u bargain and get cheap jwellery to clothes to shoes to watches to perfumes to everything.. u name it and u have it there... at the same time the same amount of branded shops also lined up in causeway.. from branded international eating joints like Mcdonalds to the ever popular Leopold's and Mondegar. The Bade Miya's to the Taj mahal hotel.from the nike's to the addidas to the levis et all.

Its the intermingling of the class with the mass all at one place.. When i say a mini world map what i mean is the coming together of a huge number of foregn tourists from across the globe.. any country you name and you will find a citizen from there doing the rounds of Colaba and juggling down some beer with the jukebox in mondegar..The indian roadside vendors taking the foreigners for a ride while selling their items.. to a pimp selling "what do you want? virgin .. experienced.. foreigner.. indian.. anything you want you will get".. to " do you want marijuana?" .. man its a coloured world there.. its inane the kind of people you bump into there to the kind of experiences you would inevitable have there..there is just sooooooo much to see there that its a never ending affair you end up having with the place...

It beats any of these high end malls.. Every thing that a mall provides you , you get in colaba.. yet its so diverse and the way it is presented is so much more interesting than any of these boring mundane malls can ever provide you.. outing ka outing and shopping ka shopping.. bohot filmy duniya hai ye colaba ki magar yehin zindagi hai bohoton ke liye.. :-)


Anonymous said...

truly Colaba is a place that u describe it to be.A mall which has everythinh in it. From branded stuff to Unbranded stuff.Like a mall has its Cinema screen on the last floor, Colaba has Regal.There are insane amount of food joints.From Indian to Chinese to Lebanese to Goan etc etc.also another place that comes into my mind like this is Linking Road.But it wont match upto what a Colaba is.Just hoping that places like these aint destroyed by our beloved BMC (Biggest Menace Creators).So enjoy the walk and step into Mondys and gulp few beers and dont forget to have Katti Rolls from Bade Miyaan.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that takes me back. I stayed in Colaba in 1993 when I was travelling around India. Good to see a picture of the Leopold. Think the place I stayed was right nearby

Tanaya said...

Hey Neil.. thats far back.. i was in the 3rd grade then :D but yeah i dnt think much must have changed in colaba since u would have visited..its so awesome because of the evergreen existences such as mondy's leo's and the likes :)

Anonymous said...

You're making me feel old Tanaya ;o)

Tanaya said...

he he ... didn't mean to do that :) just that it was shocking..:D its been quiet sometime in general since 93..:)