Thursday 7 February 2008

Book Worm

Well Don't know if i qualify as one but i think i am wormish enough in terms of being addicted with the idea of collecting books.. it's like.. books have a magnetic affect on me.. a lot of my hard earned money does go in buying truckloads of books.. Though i must admit that i am pretty slow with them.. As of now my collection is big enough for me to be opening a library since i have been collecting books since i was a child.. but i guess i have to be a member first of my own library since there are loads of them which i still have to read..I guess its time to buck up..

Therez a World BOOK FAIR going on in Delhi's pragati maidan and on my way back from mum's Hospi visit i just couldn't resist but enter.. its madness... The book fair is distributed in 12 halls of pragati maidan and i could by the end of it manage only 2. It's too tiring.. Did buy some books namely..

  1. A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
  2. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
  3. Ulysses - James Joyce
  4. Anton Chehov's collection of Plays
  5. Madam Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
  6. Collection of Stories by Nobel Prize winners like - Pasternak, Faulkner, Hesse, Mann, Yeats, Shaw, Camus and others..
  7. Last but not the least a set of some 5, 6 hindi books.. novels and short story collections of famous Hindi writers for my Grand mother.. :-)
Have bought over 20 books in the last one month and managed to read only 3 out of them.. I guess i seriously need to buck up now :-)

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