Tuesday 17 January 2012

Taxi drivers and their stories

For the past 10+ years Mumbai has been a city of discovery for me more than anything else. This city has so many different shades to it that it would take you forever to even get to understand or know all the shades. The variety of people, conversations, and the cities warmth towards strangers, all of these are part of this whole colour scheme.

The numerous rides that I have taken in the Mumbai cabs have also been an experience and adventure in its own sense. So I thought of accounting a few stories that come to my mind of the various cab drivers I have met in this journey and the aspects about this city these conversations highlight –

  • The city of rise and fall – So I met this cabby once who got chatting with Russell (husband) and me. I don’t remember what started the conversation but it eventually led towards how educated both of us were and what we were doing currently. Having answered that the cabby told us that even he had studied till the age of 10 in Bombay Scottish (one of the premier schools in Mumbai) but due to unforeseen circumstances that his family had to go through he couldn’t continue any further. The name of Bombay Scottish got me inquisitive because the idea didn’t somehow fit in my head. So I asked further and so he started telling me as to how his family was originally from UP and that his father was a very well to do business man but their business partner ended up cheating his father and one fine day they were suddenly on the road and so they all went back to their hometown in UP and started from scratch. The reason therefore behind Bombay Scottish and then his current occupation of a cab driver. He further continued to harp on the importance of education and so what if he didn’t manage it in his life but he has ensured that both his son and daughter have gotten educated. His son was a practicing lawyer in UP now and his daughter was studying in Delhi University. The whole story somehow seemed to be straight out of a Bollywood movie but I believed him. We reached our destination and we bid farewell but the story stayed in my mind. Russell refused to believe him and maintained that he must just be making up stories but something about the cab driver made me want to believe his story. It only brought about the numerous Mumbai stories out yet again which wouldn’t cease to amaze you.

  • 26/11, Islam and the wrath that Muslims had to suffer – This was about a month or so from the 26/11 attacks, again a cab ride home from work in the evening. A Muslim gentleman driving the cab. He got talking about the latest horror story of Mumbai the 26/11 attacks and how horrendous they were. About how it was so unfortunate that for some miscreants who in the name of god and religion slaughter people and an entire community or faith gets questioned. He told me unfortunately he felt victimized because of those people (terrorists). That people would always look at him suspiciously after the gruesome event because he wore the Muslim cap, wore a kurta and pyjama. He didn’t blame the public for treating him like that but the terrorists who had ensured that people would question him. He told me that even educated men and women would lose their head if it came to their lives and which god tells you to kill the very beings he has created. He told me that the terrorists killed more Muslims than any other community in VT station as it’s a more Muslim dominated area. The very people who fight for Islam kill their own people. Do they think people are stupid that they would buy their logic. He felt ashamed at the fact that few people had given such a bad name to his faith which never spoke about killing or against any other faith. His best friend was a waiter in Leopold café and was a victim of the terror attack that night. He said he was supporting his friends’ family now as they had no other earning member. He said he only wished that by having such conversations with educated people like me he would try and make the general public realize to not ostracize an entire community in the name of such acts as there was no difference between them and anyone else. We are all children of God.

  • Girls, their short skirts and therefore the crime they invite – This by far remains one of the most shocking stories and conversations for me. I was returning home one of those late nights from office. And we cross Todi Mills. Young men and women were waiting to head home after Blue Frog shuts down. The taxi driver goes ‘Tch..Tch.. these rich girls. I don’t get why do they wear such clothes and walk around.’ Obviously making me question him instantly as to why would he say something like that. So he goes these things invite all sorts of crime and why don’t they understand its better to avoid bad things than invite them. So the argument continued and so he told me that he would tell me a story that he hasn’t told many people. Apparently one day he was driving late in the night and some drunken men stopped his cab to go to Malad. Mid way they saw a girl walking on the road. He said very decent girl in normal jeans and shirt but they were drunk and they asked me to stop the cab. He refused to stop the cab because he realized their intentions but they finally managed to force him to stop the cab as they were three and he was one and he said he got scared as they had a knife. They pulled the girl into the cab and in his words did very bad things to her. He said that he prayed that there would be a police check point on the way since it was a weekend and he could stop over there but unfortunately there was none and so once they were done they opened door and dumped the girl on the road. She was unconscious and lying on the road. He finally dropped them to Malad and rushed back to the place where they had dropped the girl. But she wasn’t there. He says he doesn’t know what happened to her and till date he wished he had more strength to stand for her and not get scared and selfish for his life and not let what happened happen. He would be guilt ridden all his life and could never forgive himself but only wished that god would someday give him an opportunity to redeem himself from this guilt. And so he concluded by saying so see this is why I felt the way I did when I saw those women in those clothes. I reached home and the argument now turned into a shocking story had to come to an end. I still think of that story and a shiver runs down my spine.

Many more such conversations have happened and continue to happen and it only makes me more aware of the world around me. The conversations range from rich vs poor, politics, education, environment to million other topics. It only helps to get a perspective beyond just yours and is also quiet an experience J


vinay said...

Nice post.
Its quite interesting at times.

magiceye said...

very interesting indeed!
and yes cabbies love to chat!